The Best Septic Tank Treatment

Septic Tank Treatment - Septic Helper 2000 - 1 Year Supply - SOLD OUT ONLINE - PLEASE CALL 800-627-2171

$28.95 $69.98

Septic Tank Treatment - Septic Helper 2000 - 1 Year Supply - SOLD OUT ONLINE - PLEASE CALL 800-627-2171

$28.95 $69.98
  • Simple to use dissolvable packets
  • Bacteria and Enzymes immediately start to break down septic waste
  • Helps prevent expensive septic tank problems
  • Our scientifically enhanced bacteria with enhanced enzyme production speeds up the decomposition rate of organic waste to prevent back up and other septic problems.
  • Septic Helper 2000 is completely safe to use and 100% natural. It is harmless to humans, animals, plant life, plastic piping and all your plumbing fixtures. Treats 500, 1000, and 1500-Gallon tanks
  • Flush one pack down the toilet once every two months.
  • Proudly Made in the USA

Sorry! Our Septic Tank Treatment - Septic Helper 2000 - 1 Year Supply - SOLD OUT ONLINE - PLEASE CALL 800-627-2171 is currently sold out.

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SEPTIC Helper 2000 is a blend of scientifically enhanced bacteria with enhanced enzyme production. Our new formulation contains specific nutrients and micronutrients for superior waste degrading performance. Septic Helper 2000 acts as a catalytic agent and speeds up the decomposition rate of organic waste within your septic system.

THE METHOD is natural digestion of “food” by natural occurring friendly bacteria. Bacteria feed on organic wast matter and recycle back to simple basic parts of soil, air, and water they were formed from. Used by the natural laws that govern them, they feed on wastes by digesting, liquefaying, and recycling them back to enrich our environment. These bacteria and enzymes produce no harmful by-products. Their action is complete and truly NATURAL.

Today, our systems do not receive an adequate bacteria supply from natural sources. Use of acids, caustics, detergents (and modern bacteriostats and disinfectants to kill germs), also kill the bacteria needed for septic systems to operate trouble free.

SEPTIC HELPER 2000 bacteria strains work together with your septic system’s naturally occurring bacteria to aid in quicker breakdown of difficult compounds and improve overall performance of any septic system

The Septic Tank Treatment - Septic Helper 2000 - 1 Year Supply - SOLD OUT ONLINE - PLEASE CALL 800-627-2171 is far and away, one of our most popular items. People can't seem to get enough of it.

Inventory Last Updated: Mar 14, 2025
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